Design Applications (Previously Product Design)

From your brain to their hands! 

 Design Applications builds on the Principles of Design Thinking (Design Foundations) course by providing students the opportunity to continue building their design skills around the field of product design. Students will learn how to research, ideate, sketch, render, 3D model, and present concepts for products that would be used in everyday life. In addition, weekly critiques and showcases will allow students to participate in the critique process and learn from one another, learning how to be part of teams and collaborate on projects. Students will be asked to keep a sketchbook which will be part of the course. As design becomes an ever more important field in that it can add significant value to companies products and operations, this course seeks to enable students to get a head start in the field of design and learn more about it as a career opportunity.

Course Information

Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
0.5 Practical Arts
Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools