Our mission is to lead St. Vrain Valley Schools in developing sustainable, equitable and high-quality robotics programming. We want to inspire educators, students and community members by providing engaging, challenging and transformative robotics experiences, both during and outside of the school day.
St. Vrain Valley Schools is advancing public education for our community, state and nation. We are preparing our students for their future by giving them a strong competitive advantage. Today’s students and tomorrow’s workforce demand an education that is rooted in rigorous traditional academics while also leveraging modern technology and advanced learning.
Computer Science is an innovative field, allowing students to be creative problem-solvers and apply their knowledge in real, authentic ways. Our students and teachers regularly program robots, write code, engage in digital citizenship and literacy activities, and learn about the role computers play in our day-to-day lives.
Careers and industry practices are explored through mentoring, internships, guest speakers and more. St. Vrain is committed to providing additional opportunities in cybersecurity through:
- New curriculum for middle and high schools
- Opportunities to earn certifications
- Extracurricular activities and clubs
- Professional development
Course Offerings
- Open to all 9 – 12th graders
If you have had little or no experience with robotics, this course is a perfect introduction. You will learn about the wide world of robotics by exploring the different types and uses of robots in our world as well as possible robotic careers. Activities will be very hands-on and you’ll have a chance to explore the different standards of robotics (like design, fabrication, electronics, computer science) using fun and unique technologies at the Innovation Center.
- Open to all 9th-12th Graders
- Prerequisites: We suggest experience with an introductory robotics course or competitive robots.
This course will have a strong focus on how robots are designed and built. It is one of two courses designed to help you build up your robotics skillset and, in turn, to prepare you for more rigorous and authentic robotic opportunities like Robotics for a Better World and Competitive Robotics. You’ll explore the following in this course:
- Fundamentals of 2-D and 3-D design
- Human-centered and engineering design processes
- Tools and approaches for design (sketching, CAD)
- Prototyping techniques and materials
- Basics of electronic design
- Mechanics of effective robotic design
- Engineering practices such as testing and documentation
- Open to all 9th-12th Graders
- Prerequisite: We suggest experience with an introductory robotics course or competitive robots.
Design Your Own Social Robot! This course will have a strong focus on how robots are programmed and the interdisciplinary nature of Robotics. It is one of two courses designed to help you build up your robotics skillset and, in turn, to prepare you for more rigorous and authentic robotic opportunities like Robotics for a Better World and Competitive Robotics. You’ll explore the following in this course:
- Fundamentals of Computer Science in Robotics
- Human-centered and engineering design processes
- The nature of the uncanny valley in robotic design
- The relationship between robotics and math, science, material science, etc.
- Engineering practices such as testing and documentation
- Open to all 9-12th graders
- Prerequisite: We suggest experience with an introductory robotics course or competitive robots.
Native fish species in Colorado are under threat due to habitat modification, altered stream flow and invasive species. You will work together with experts like Dr. Mikki McComb-Kobza of Ocean First Institute, learning how to apply innovations in the field of robotics, such as remote sensing and robotic vision. You will help scientists restore ecosystems, reintroduce, and monitor native fish species.
All students are welcome to enroll. The main requirement is a strong interest in learning about local conservation and exploring ways robotics can be used to solve environmental challenges. Email [email protected] with questions
- Open to all 9-12th graders
- Prerequisite: We suggest experience with an introductory robotics course or competitive robots although not required.
This class prepares students to compete against other high school, community college and university teams from around the country and world in the 2024 MATE Underwater Robotics Competition. Our team will design, build, and test an underwater drone, and will also develop a marketing approach to sell our product. You will learn and apply engineering skills like computer-aided design, fabrication, electronics, programming and principles of aquatic physics. We will at a minimum participate in one regional competition in the US; if we qualify, we will participate in the 2024 MATE World Championships hosted in Tennessee.
Any student is welcome to enroll. The main requirement is a strong interest in learning something new, a firm commitment to the team, and committing to participating in the International competition in June if the team qualifies. Fundraising may be required in order to travel to events and acquire some of the course materials. Email [email protected] with questions.
Project Teams
The Innovation Center Aquatic Robotics Team (ICART) works on engineering remotely operated aquatic vessels for local use.
Socially Assistive Robotics is a growing field and is used in various industries, including education, health care, retail and hospitality.
The VEX Robotics Leadership team provides leadership and support for robotics programming throughout the St. Vrain Valley school district.
VEX Robotics
St. Vrain Valley Schools has been providing competitive robotics experiences through VEX Robotics since 2014.