Robotics B: Computer Science & Applied Engineering

Design Your Own Social Robot!

This course will have a strong focus on how robots are programmed and the interdisciplinary nature of Robotics. It is one of two courses designed to help you build up your robotics skillset and, in turn, prepare you for more rigorous and authentic robotic opportunities like Robotics for a Better World and Competitive Robotics. You'll explore the following in this course:

  • Fundamentals of Computer Science in Robotics
  • Human-centered and engineering design processes
  • The nature of the uncanny valley in robotic design
  • The relationship between robotics and math, science, material science, etc.
  • Engineering practices such as testing and documentation

Email Nate Wilcox with questions.

Course Information

Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
0.5 Practical Arts
Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools