Due to inclement weather with forecasted extremely cold early morning temperatures, all schools in the St. Vrain Valley School District will be on a weather delay, and school will start 2 hours later than our normal schedule for Tuesday, January 21. Click here for information about inclement weather schedules.
When the district remains open, but you believe that weather conditions in your specific area are unsafe or otherwise problematic for transporting your student to school, please feel free to contact your school’s attendance clerk to obtain an excused absence for your student. If weather conditions cause you to keep your student at home, they will be able to make up any missed schoolwork without penalty.
Cuando el distrito permanezca abierto, pero usted crea que las condiciones del clima en su área específica no son seguras o pudieran representar un problema para transportar a su estudiante a la escuela, siéntase en libertad de comunicarse con la empleada de la asistencia escolar de su escuela, para obtener una falta justificada para su estudiante. Si las condiciones severas del clima causan que mantengan a sus estudiantes en casa, ellos podrán reponer cualquier trabajo o tareas perdidos sin ningún castigo.
The steAm Team consists of a group of student artists hired to design, illustrate, and fabricate the needs of our clients. The steAm Team embraces the “Art” within the STEM curriculum.
Past Projects
steAm Team Manager
Interested in joining? Contact Robert Work for questions, availability and how to apply.
If you’re interested in taking design classes for high school credit, check out our course catalog here.