Business Pitch Badge Icon

As part of the business pitch badge participants utilize a business idea from the prior Entrepreneurial Innovator badge or from other business development processes in order to write a business pitch. Throughout the process participants are challenged to create new ideas or solutions as it pertains to the initial pitch. Participants create a Pitch Deck that is evaluated and utilized in their final pitch process (real world application). As a final requirement, participants are required to film or capture their final pitch and submit it for a final evaluation.

After completing this badge, the recipient can: 

  1. Appraise, assess, and critiques on a basis of specific standards and criteria associated with developing a business pitch.
  2. Originate, integrate, and combine ideas into a product, plan or proposal.
  3. Select, transfer, and utilize data principles to complete a problem or task.
  4. Interpret, comprehend, and translate information based on prior learning.
  5. Communicate ideas in a logical and persuasive manner in order to influence others to include investors. Strengthen communication skills.

Interested in earning this badge?

For the English version of this course, use the following course code in Schoology: KZFC-Z8S8-B54CX

For the Spanish version of this course, use the following course code in Schoology: SJKB-TJRQ-RTF68

For questions reach out to our Entrepreneurship Instructor, Jeff Lund ( to learn more!

Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools